Jefferson Road Elementary School
School Principal: Stephanie Barg | JRE PTSA Co-Chairs: Kara Cannarozzo & Megan Williams
Ice Cream Social
Annual Open House, Art Show and Ice Cream Social
May 14, 2025 - 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Come visit classrooms, view student art work on display, and enjoy a frozen treat from Pittsford Farms Dairy! Proceeds benefit the Jefferson Road PTSA.
Teachers will be in their classrooms to greet visitors from 5-6pm. There will be an art show showcasing at by JRE students in the gymnasium. The Ice Cream Social will take place outside.
Parking at JRE is limited to handicapped parking only! There is no parking on School Lane or Reitz Parkway. Please park at Sutherland High School and ride the shuttle buses to/from JRE. The shuttle buses will run from 4:45-7pm. OR you can park at Edgewood Church on Jefferson Road and walk to JRE from there.
To volunteer, please contact the chair using the link below.